First snowfall of the season

What a wonderful surprise to find the ground covered with a fresh coat of snow, this morning. The first snowfall of the season is always great – mainly, because no one is sick of it yet and it’s not too cold to enjoy.

To see the snow in its full glory,ย I decided to check out the grounds at Greenwood Conservation Area in Ajax. The snow is mostly untouched, and the park is framed with tall, grand evergreens. Oh yes, and my mom also joined me. She started a snowball fight. What a rascal!

“There’s a certain magic that comes with the very first snow …” – Frosty the Snowman

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7 thoughts on “First snowfall of the season

  1. Great photos and story of some time spent with your Mom enjoying the new snow. It’s beautiful stuff when it’s untouched, but, boy, I think I can feel the chill of it pretty well. Nice work!

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