Distillery District Engagement Fun

It’s been quite a while since my last post. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and new year. To kick off 2014, I would like to share some Distillery District Engagement photos.

Over the holidays, I had a chance to reconnect with an old friend (who has been a part of my life since grade 2), now living in the UK. Lisa recently got engaged to her British boyfriend (apparently, I can’t get over the accent!), and the pair came to Canada for the holidays to celebrate in the frigid, well-below seasonal temperatures.

While they were here, I had the chance to snap some photos in Toronto. And what fun we had trying to keep warm! The weather was so cold, it caused my battery to die several times. Did I mention it’s really hard to shoot in mittens?

Nevertheless, we had great fun. Finished up in true Canadian style, with some Tim Hortons’ warm drinks and a couple of timbits.

distillery district engagement toronto distillery district engagement toronto distillery district engagement toronto toronto distillery district engagement